Mo Rue Duhn Sah Rang
(Unknown Love)

Chapters 6-10

*Chapter 6

"JiYun ah." Tony suddenly said, pulling away from her. "Look, JaeWon's coming." he said awkwardly. He couldn't believe what he was doing with JiYun. He knew he was being a jerk, but he couldn't help it.

JiYun, bewildered, smiled weakly at JaeWon. She had thought that Tony was going to kiss her...but now, he was acting like he always did.

Tony made a face at JaeWon as he approached. "JaeWon! Smile for us! Come on, man, what's the matter?"

"Tony hyung, can we leave now? I'm not feeling that great."

Tony, now concerned, nodded his head quickly. "Yeah, okay. Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, if I rest a little," JaeWon lied, knowing he wouldn't be okay until this thing with EunJu was solved. "So let's go..."

JiYun said, "What? Why? It's so early!"

"JiYun, didn't you hear what JaeWon said? He's not feeling good." Tony turned to JaeWon. "Our JiYun has never been very smart," he whispered loudly. "You know, thick head and all." he smiled goofily at her, tugging her short ponytail.

JiYun knew how to play that game. "Aish, sonogong, you don't gotta take it the wrong way. I thought you'd understand me better, you know, cuz of those huge ears of yours."

Tony's eyes glittered with menace. "Ya! Gi jib eh, come here!" He reached for her, but she shrieked and ran away. After a couple of seconds, Tony caught her and both laughing, they fell on the ground.

People were looking at them strangely. JaeWon was too, but he then smiled to himself. Why don't they just get together and get it over with? he thought. His smile faded as he thought of EunJu. They were like that once. JaeWon shook his head. A separation, a separation. Did that mean a total end for them?

By this time, HeeJun, WooHyuk, and KangTa had joined them. As Tony and JiYun struggled to get up, WooHyuk glanced at KangTa. His big brown eyes were unreadable. He was closing his mind off to everyone else again.

WooHyuk wasn't the only one who noticed this. JiYun did too. "Hey KangTa," she began tentatively. "Are you okay? You seem so preoccupied..."

"Hmm?" KangTa's eyes cleared. He forced a smile that seemed to come naturally when he looked at JiYun. "Oh, I'm fine, JiYun."

"Are you -- "

"JiYun! Stop bothering him!" Tony said. "Let's go, we were gonna go, weren't we?"

"But I wanna stay," pouted HeeJun.

"Well, you can stay if you want but I don't know who'll stay with you." Tony said, shrugging.

"Sorry hyung," JaeWon quickly said.

"I'm pretty tired too," WooHyuk replied.

KangTa just shook his head.

"HeeJun, do you mind staying alone?" Tony asked.

"No!" HeeJun grinned. "More girls for me!" he said jokingly.

Everyone else knew that he wasn't totally joking. HeeJun loved girls. They were his life. He didn't care about anything as long as he had plenty of girls to go around.

"Okay then HeeJun," WooHyuk called. "We'll see you later."

As they walked out of The Diamond, JiYun had the best idea. "Hey you guys," she slowly said. "Do you want to come over to my place for coffee? Just for a little while. I want you to meet my cousin YooRa, you know, I told you about her, right?" JiYun was delighted. Here was the sneaky plan. YooRa couldn't run away from them now!

JaeWon and KangTa looked reluctant, but they agreed to go along with WooHyuk and Tony. JiYun was really excited. YooRa really needed this. She was going to be so surprised!

*Chapter 7

YooRa was almost finished with her book. She needed all the prep she could get so she could look good in her interview tomorrow. She was trying for the job of head choreographer at some entertainment company named SM. They desperately needed someone, and she knew she was perfect for it. It was prestigious, paid well, and would be a great pathway for greater things in her career. She hadn't left Juilliard to come to Korea for nothing.

Ding Dong!

YooRa sighed. JiYun must have forgotten her keys again. When will she grow up? She got up and opened the door, only to find JiYun bounce in with four guys.

"YooRa! Here, I brought some people for you to meet! This is the infamous group H.O.T., and my good friends, of course. Guys, this is YooRa, my cousin from America. "

YooRa didn't move. "I thought there were five of them," she said, raising her eyebrows.

"HeeJun wanted to stay at the restaurant. He's our group leader." Tony replied. JaeWon and KangTa looked very uncomfortable -- they had a reason to be. YooRa wasn't the friendliest when she met new people.

JiYun couldn't believe how rude YooRa was being. "YooRa," she tried again. "This is WooHyuk, JaeWon, KangTa, and Tony."

They guys all insahed to YooRa, and she bowed her head slightly. "I'm YooRa. Now if you will all excuse me, I'm kind of busy..." YooRa tried to turn away, but her eyes had landed on WooHyuk and stayed there. She couldn't help staring but she thought she had never seen a more attractive guy in her life. He was just incredibly sexy... YooRa tried to clear her head. It wasn't like her at all to have these kinds of thoughts, and she intended to keep it that way. The last thing she wanted was involvement of any kind, not after what had happened before.

"No!" JiYun protested. "Sit here and talk with us for a while!"

YooRa found herself looking at WooHyuk again. "Ok," she heard herself say. "But only for a little bit."

*Chapter 8

WooHyuk watched YooRa carry on an animated conversation with Tony about America and it's wonders, especially about the food. There was something about her that drew him to her, but he didn't know if it was good or bad. She was certainly a strong character. He found himself wishing that he too had lived in America so that he could talk to YooRa.

JiYun felt the same way. Her eyes were on Tony as he and YooRa were talking about Los Angeles, where YooRa used to live before she moved to New York. Desperate to involve someone else in the conversation, she turned to WooHyuk. "WooHyuk! Guess what, YooRa's specialty is dance, too! She went to Juilliard!"

YooRa rolled her eyes. "Dance is my career, not my specialty."

WooHyuk was interested. "Wow, Juilliard," he said admiringly. "So are you here just for a vacation or are you studying abroad or what?"

"Something like that...but I'm here for good." she vaguely replied. YooRa didn't mention her personal problems that also had a lot to do with her decision to move to Korea.

WooHyuk was confused with her response, but not wanting to reply, he said nothing.

"What kind of dance did you do? And were you really good?" KangTa spoke up. JiYun was glad that finally some kind of a real conversation was happening.

"Was I really good?" YooRa repeated. "I was the best." she simply said. "After all, I did go to Juilliard... you do know what that is, right?" she asked KangTa. He just nodded. "As for dance, I did all kinds. Modern, jazz, ballet, whatever. And yes, I can break too, and do all those tricks you so called Korean singers like to do onstage."

YooRa's words sparked WooHyuk's interest. He jumped in immediately, surprising himself with what came out of his mouth. "What do you mean so called Korean singers?" WooHyuk asked defensively. "We are Korean singers. Here, dance comes with the songs. It's all part of music."

"Whatever," YooRa dismissed WooHyuk's words with a wave of her hand. "The entire Korean pop culture thing strikes me as very... uh... what's the word? Wasteful. Unnecessary. What you guys are doing isn't even music."

WooHyuk could feel himself getting hot. "What are you talking about?" he asked, strained. "You can't make judgements like that without understanding it first. It is music, it's Korean. Maybe you can't understand that because you're not even Korean." he spat out. He slowly turned red as he realized what he had just said. He didn't understand it, why he was acting like this. He usually was always passive and calm, never this passionate or straightforward.

There was silence. JiYun, too, was stunned. She had never seen WooHyuk get this fired up. It was interesting what effects YooRa had on the group.

YooRa smiled fakely. "Ok, I'll give you that one," she told WooHyuk. "Yes I may not be Korean enough for you, but when it comes down to it, my heritage tells me I'm Korean. Maybe I really shouldn't be basing my opinions on my American views. Sorry to break up the little party, but I really have to go now, I'm a very busy person." With that, YooRa disappeared into her room, leaving the five behind shocked and wordless.

JaeWon broke the silence. "Nice cousin you got there, JiYun. You didn't tell us she was this friendly."

"Or that cocky," KangTa said.

"I thought she was nice." Tony said. He really wasn't listening to what she and WooHyuk were saying, but he didn't mention that. He also thought she was kinda cute, but of course he couldn't mention that either. He was still trying to figure out what had happened between JiYun and him on the dance floor that night.

WooHyuk remained silent.

JiYun was beyond perplexed. WooHyuk was acting strange, and Tony... well, he was just confusing her. After what happened that night, she wasn't sure what was going on. And the way Tony was talking to YooRa, JiYun didn't like it.

No, she didn't like it at all.

*Chapter 9

YooRa came out of the SM office, incredibly satisfied with herself. The SM interviewers had almost fallen over themselves trying to impress YooRa when in fact, it should have been the other way around. They had immediately offered YooRa the position of head choreographer. YooRa, being no fool, accepted it. Now she had to meet her first assignment, another one of those so called popular Korean groups. "Room 103..." she muttered as she searched the hall for the right one.

HeeJun almost collapsed as the group finished their last move. His leg was killing him again. KangTa, noticing this, hurriedly helped HeeJun over to the couch.

"Are you okay, HeeJun?" asked Tony, sitting down next to him and offering him some water.

HeeJun gratefully gulped the water down. "I'm fine, just a little worn out. We've been working really hard this past week... but I'm mad that we still don't know what we're doing for that one part! Ahhh..."

"Well, manager hyung said that they were gonna hire some new dance person, maybe he can help us out." JaeWon said.

WooHyuk was still dancing, trying to smooth out the rough edges on some parts. "I don't understand how some new wannabe dancer is gonna help us find the right dances for our song." he said between breaths.

"Well, you never know," Tony pointed out.

"I guess, " WooHyuk conceded. "Isn't he supposed to be here today? I thought that's what I heard."

"Yeah," HeeJun spoke up. "In fact, he's supposed to be here -- "

"Hello?" called a female voice, interrupting HeeJun suddenly. "Is this Room -- " YooRa stepped in and did a double take. "--103..." she finished, amused. "You guys work for SM?"

HeeJun, being the only one who never met YooRa, was suspicious. "Do we know you?" he asked politely.

Tony came flying out of nowhere to land right next to YooRa. "YooRa! Hi!" he exclaimed. "HeeJun, we do know her. This is YooRa, JiYun's cousin from America?"

"Oh!" HeeJun said. "Of course. Yes, I've heard a lot about you, YooRa. I'm Moon HeeJun." He stuck his hand out.

YooRa shook his hand lightly. "Kim YooRa. So you're the missing member, huh? The leader, if I recall."

"Yes, yes, that's what I am!" HeeJun said. "Now, what can we do for you?"

WooHyuk, who had embarrassed himself the last time he was with YooRa, couldn't help but to stare at her again. He didn't know why, but YooRa made him act completely unlike himself. He found himself once again, with the overwhelming desire to speak up, and unconsciously, he acted on it. "Yeah, YooRa, what can we do for you? What are you doing here? Without JiYun, too. What did you do, follow us here?" he asked sarcastically.

YooRa's face became even more amused as she looked straight at WooHyuk's handsome face. "What am I doing here?" she repeated.

HeeJun, amazed at WooHyuk's reaction to her, watched both of them with an open mouth.

YooRa looked like she was about to burst out laughing any moment. Instead, she spoke.
"Why, I'm your new choreographer."

*Chapter 10

JaeWon slammed the phone down. He couldn't believe what was happening. It had been over two weeks when EunJu had asked him to "cool" their relationship. He knew he wasn't supposed to, but he couldn't help but to call her. EunJu never picked up the phone anymore. He left messages, pages, and even tried driving over to her house a couple of times, but still, he didn't even catch a glimpse of her. He picked up the phone again. No matter what, he couldn't seem to stop trying. He had to talk to her. One way or another.

Ring, ring. Click. "Hi, this is EunJu. Obviously, I'm not in, so do what you gotta do and I'll get back to ya. Aiight then, laterz!" Beep.

"EunJu! It's me. Come on, why won't you talk to me?" JaeWon felt grief as he never knew it before. Then something seemed to snap inside him. "Is this what our three year relationship had meant to you?" JaeWon shouted into the answering machine. "So you can just drop me without even giving me a decent chance, or even a reason?" JaeWon was crying now but he didn't care. "EunJu!! I know you're there! Pick up the phone, dammit! Pick up the goddamn phone!!"

Click. "Hello?" came a soft voice.

JaeWon felt his heart drop. "EunJu..."

"Oppa. I thought I told you... to let me call you when I was ready." EunJu bit her lip to keep herself from crying. She couldn't break down now. Not now.... not when he could hear her.

"You're not ready, EunJu? It's been forever..." JaeWon pleaded. "Don't you see what you've been doing to me?"

"I guess..." EunJu took a deep breath. "I guess I am ready, but I just haven't been able to face you. Now... I think... I think I am ready... because Oppa, I'm ready to say goodbye."

"EunJu! I know you don't mean that. Why? Why are you doing this?"

"Oppa, I just..." she took a deep breath to try to control her emotions. "I don't have the kind of feelings for you that will keep us together anymore." As she said these words, she felt something die inside of her. It would get better, she told herself. Besides, this would be better for both of them.

JaeWon felt as if the floor had slipped from underneath him. If he hadn't been sitting down, he would have fallen over. "What?" he said in a low voice.

"I don't want to see you again. This is best for both of us, oppa, and you know it. This way, you'll be free... and I will too. Bye oppa, be healthy, and be happy..."

"EunJu!" he cried. "How can I be happy or healthy without you? EunJu! Please, please don't do this, please --"

Tears flowing freely as she heard those words, she hung up the phone silently.

JaeWon held the dead receiver in his hands as he let the tears overtake him. How could she have done this to him? He didn't know. All of a sudden, a huge force of anger it him. The tears that flowed from his eyes were not of sadness nor pain. He was angry as hell. He was mad at the world. He let out a yell and started punching into his pillow. Why? Why? Why? As he continued his frenzied attacks on his pillow, these questions raced through his mind, almost as fast as the tears that raced down his cheeks.


BaCk To FaNfics To BaCk


[image]H.O.T. PrOfiles [image] PiCture GaLlery [image]LyRics [image]TrAnslations [image]MuSic ViDeos
[image]RaNdom StUff [image]FaNart [image]WhAt'z Up? [image]LiNks [image]AbOut Me